This is not a nappy review: New Pampers Premium Care

pampers premium care

If you follow me on Instagram, and I hope you do, you’ll have seen that a couple weeks back I went to a nappy launch. It was really weird for me – I’m so used to going to game, phone or other tech related launches. But, high tea sounded like fun and I was curious to hear what Pampers had to announce. It turned out to be their new range of Premium Care nappies – the ones in the white packaging. I went home from the launch with a demo box and a bag of nappies to try out, so once I finished the open pack Harley was using, I started trying out these Premium Care ones.

I wasn’t going to write a feature about them, nor was I inclined to do a demo of the nappies. We all know that nappies can absorb blue-colored water. Besides, I’ve been on such a topsy turvy nappy journey already, I seem to have distinct requirements. You see, before Harley was born, I was convinced I’d go the cloth nappy route. Then she came premature and I had to use disposable nappies, and the only brand that made nappies small enough were Huggies. So I became a Huggies user sort of by default, but why not give this bag of Premium Care nappies a whirl on a real baby?

It’s been about two weeks now with Harley in these nappies, and I think that’s enough time to form an opinion. First up, the good. They really do feel soft – they’re silky smooth to the touch and the stretch sides feel nice and don’t leave those awful red marks on Harley’s skin. Also, they absorb liquid really well – her nighttime nappy can be full without getting her irritated. So, that part is great.

The less than great part comes whenever she makes a number 2. Now, I don’t want to be one of those mommy bloggers who gives too much information or talks about baby poop, but forgive me for this quick mention of it. Harley is still exclusively breastfed, so her poo is pretty unoffensive. However, it does offend me when it seems to go up her back out of her nappy. This is despite the nappy being a bit on the big size for the specific reason to leave more room for #2. And it’s not just occasionally. It seems that since switching to the new Premium Care nappies, at least once a day I need to change her clothes thanks to the fountain that went up her back. That can’t just be her, right? That has to be the new nappies.

Of course, this could just be a new phase with her. Maybe when I buy more of another brand she’ll have the same issue. I will need to investigate further. At least now I have some new textures for her to play with – the demo box came with some nice pieces of silk to compare with the feel of the new nappies.

You tell me, moms, are you brand loyal when it comes to nappies? I hear some moms always buy the same brands while others get whatever is on sale. And was I really silly not to just go the cloth nappy route? It just seems like a way to make my life more difficult with even more laundry to do.


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