Browsing Category: Child Development

A Complete Guide to Netflix for Your Under-Six-Year-Old

A Complete Guide to Netflix for Your Under-Six-Year-Old includes collage of Motown Magic and Emily's wonder lab

I have pretty much been letting Harley watch as much TV as she wants as part of her unschooling/homeschooling approach. I know, mom of the year right here. But really, it feels like it’s the apocalypse and if some screentime makes the world seem better for any of us, why not binge watch the hell out of your favorites?

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Videos for Toddlers & Kids: Doc McStuffins

Videos for Toddlers & Kids: Doc McStuffins

Even before we gave Harley her own tablet, we were looking for video content for her. The reality is that screen time isn’t evil, and honestly, sometimes we all need time to zone out – her in front of a video and me without a little one demanding my complete attention. That said, I still like to encourage her to watch things that expand her mind, teach her something, or are generally worthwhile. I’ve found a bunch of awesome shows for kids, and I thought I’d share them with you. This time, it’s Doc McStuffins. Continue Reading


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Videos for Toddlers & Kids: Team Umizoomi

Videos for Toddlers & Kids: Team Umizoomi

Even before we gave Harley her own tablet, we were looking for video content for her. The reality is that screen time isn’t evil, and honestly, sometimes we all need time to zone out – her in front of a video and me without a little one demanding my complete attention. That said, I still like to encourage her to watch things that expand her mind, teach her something, or are generally worthwhile. I’ve found a bunch of awesome shows for kids, and I thought I’d share them with you. This time, it’s Team Umizoomi. Continue Reading


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Screen Time Isn’t Evil – A Defense of Kids’ Tablets

Screen Time Isn't Evil - A Defense of Kids' Tablets

Apologies in advance if this ends up sounding like a bit of a rant. I’m just fed up. I’m tired of people sharing crap on social media without thinking. I’m tired of couch researching moms deciding that debunked documentaries about vaccines are right or that the radiation from phones will disrupt your kid’s brain development. So, the next time someone shares something about how screen time is evil, I figure this blog will serve as a way for me to give a rebuttal without leaving essay-length Facebook comments.

To be clear, I am not saying that ANYONE should consume content all day. We all need multiple stimuli throughout the day, and kids in particular have specific needs to help them develop and grow. You can check out my child development posts to read more about ways that you can help your kid grow, become a genius and generally just be awesome. But some people enjoy unwinding with video or interactive media. And to somehow make gamers, Netflix bingers and Pinterest scrollers into lesser people because of screen time use is irresponsible and untrue. Continue Reading


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I Hate Potty Training – Let’s Be Honest, It’s Crappy

I Hate Potty Training - Let's Be Honest, It's Crappy

I have a list of blog posts I plan to write one day. When ideas pop in my head, I try to write them down. Sometimes I brainstorm blogs to write for the month. Either way, there’s a blog post that has been on my list forever. It was titled “How I potty trained my kid”. In some versions of the proposed title, I combined it with my interest in early childhood development, “How I potty trained my kid, and helped her learn to read” or “Additional skills learned while potty training”. Other times, I thought I could help other moms with titles like “I potty trained my kid and you can too” or “The no-stress way I potty trained my kid”. But the reality is, I hate potty training and it’s awful.

Every kid is different. I say this as a reminder to me and to you. The kid who is an amazing sleeper might refuse to eat anything other than mac and cheese or breadsticks. A great eater might decide not to walk until 18 months. The fabulous running, walking, talking kid might take forever to potty train. In the end, they all get there, but your life as a parent will vary quite a bit depending on which elements end up being a hurdle for your kid. Continue Reading


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