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I don’t normally like to blog about blogging – it just seems so meta. However, I suppose it has to be done sometimes, and this is one of those times. If you’ve been reading my words for the past month or so, I have to thank and commend you – I know my original format wasn’t pretty. It was mainly just a way to get started, to try out this whole geek mommy blogging thing and see how it went. I sort of fell in love with it, and so I’ve decided to show my commitment to sticking to it by actually getting some help to upgrade the site.
I love the new design – you can find all my social channels, so please do like and follow me everywhere. Also, you can start from the beginning or browse by category if you’re so inclined. I’m just glad that everything feels more user-friendly and ready to grow, much like my stomach at the moment. This blog is sort of like a different bun in the oven, one that was cooked more quickly than the one growing inside me, but that has helped me meet a bunch of new people already and has already made me so proud.
Big thanks to everyone for reading my words thus far, and I’m looking forward to continuing to share this journey with you all.
If you like these words, please check out more of what I say on twitter and Facebook, and pics I take on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Pinterest.
Also, please be sure to sign up to my carefully curated, crafted and infrequent newsletter.