I hate admin. I always leave things to the last minute, especially if those things include filling in forms, calling help desks or dealing with admin in general. I just can’t stand it and every time I have to do something along those lines I want to hire a PA for the day. However, today I decided to bite the bullet – with only ten weeks left until Harley is full term, it was time to sort out the admin of her imminent arrival.
It helps that my chosen hospital only does maternity ward tours on a Wednesday. This was a great impetus for me to get my act together – if I didn’t get things sorted today, it would be another week until I had the opportunity again. Surprisingly, it was a completely pleasant experience. Actually no, it was just wonderful.
I started by phoning my medical aid to let them know I’m knocked up and ready to spawn in January. The woman gave me all the information I’ll need to get things sorted when she arrives, plus I got my pre-authorization number so I could go book my bed in the ward. I was a bit peeved about this – why did I need to go to the hospital to book a bed? Why couldn’t this sort of thing be done online or something? At least the woman was really nice and even gave me some helpful advice about programs I’m eligible for to get even MORE stuff for Harley.
But, I went to the hospital and went for my tour of the ward. It was lovely. It was so great to meet the nurse giving me the tour, to see how kind and gentle she was with me, and how funny. We laughed as she showed me the birthing room, pointed out the bathroom and told me my husband was allowed with me the whole time, even if all he wanted to do was run away. Then it was time to fill in forms. This was apparently what they meant by booking my bed, but geez are they smart about it. All my admission forms are filled in now, so when I go into labor, Dean and I just need to get to the hospital and I’m already on their register – they just pull my forms out of the file folders and I’m ready to start pushing. At least I won’t have to deal with admin while in labor, so that’s a plus.
And then it hit me. Yes, I still have to get through the antenatal classes, and I still need to carry Harley around for another two months, but, well… it’s really happening. I’m ten weeks away from being full term. In just ten weeks, my princess will be fully formed and ready to enter the world (if she hasn’t made her appearance already). In ten weeks, I will be a mom. I’ve been writing and thinking about this for months now, but it’s feeling so much more real. It’s not long now, and I will have a tiny human to look after, a baby who will stare at me with those big baby eyes and think Dean and I are the most fascinating things on this planet. In just two months, my life will never be the same again.
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