Browsing Category: Books

168 Hours, time mosaics and eradicating mom guilt

168 Hours, time mosaics and eradicating mom guilt

One of the ways that I make the most of my gym time is listening to audiobooks. It’s how I was able to hit my reading goal last year, and expands my general “reading”. I wouldn’t sit down to read non-fiction time management books, but they’re pretty cool to listen to while lifting weights or pushing myself on the elliptical. Most recently, I listened to Laura Vanderkam’s I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time and it had some really interesting points that have helped to reframe some aspects of my life.

I like the way she uses different women as her case studies. Each person, each family is unique. While there are some common trends or ways of life that can be found across her sample, it was helpful for her to talk about the differences in careers, in families, in locales and more. After listening to the book, I think I might try to keep my own time log and share the results with you all soon. But for now, here are some of the best parts that I got from this book. Continue Reading


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The best books I read in 2018 that you should try in 2019

best books I read in 2018

A couple years back, the incomparable Cassey shared her immense book reading stats thanks to Goodreads. You may or may not know this about me, but I LOVE stats. Anyway, I was jealous that she had reading stats, so I promptly signed up to Goodreads, too.

Last year, I didn’t even manage my reading challenge. Life was chaos with moving, so it was understandable. This year, thanks to Libby and audiobooks, I surpassed it. I read so many great books this year, but these were some of my favorites. Continue Reading


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The Monster at the End of this Book – Read it to your kids

The Monster at the End of this Book - Read it to your kids

For those who haven’t noticed, I actually have a YouTube channel running. Over there, I read kid’s books out loud. In my head, the content is for two distinct groups. It’s for the parents who are curious about which books are worthwhile, or perhaps might be wondering about some best practices when reading aloud to a kid. It’s also for kids, to be able to watch a video of their new favorite book read out loud. Go subscribe. Please. PLEASE!

I realized that I might not have mentioned this to you all enough, so I figured I’d tell you a bit more about the book I read in the video that went live this past Sunday. It’s called The Monster at the End of this Book, and it was one of my all-time favorites when I was a kid. It’s also one of Harley’s favorites, so it was an easy choice to share. There are even apps for it, where it becomes an interactive storytelling experience.

(Full disclosure: Yes, links to Amazon are affiliate links. If you click them, I could earn a small commission.) Continue Reading


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Also, please be sure to sign up to my carefully curated, crafted and infrequent newsletter.

Best Books for a 2-3-Year-Old in 2018

Best Books for a 2-3-Year-Old in 2018

I’ve written before about how I wanted Harley to be a bookworm, even from before she was born. I think that reading is so important for kids and adults. It’s about so much more than literacy, as there are plenty of skills that develop when you read to your kids.

So what should you read? There are so many great kids’ books out there. Seriously, we have a decent-sized library at home and I’m still always finding more great books that I want to buy. But these have been our favorites this year. Also, while I’m calling this post best books for a 2-3-year-old in 2018, most of these books will be great to read to a 1-year-old or a 5-year-old. But since Harley is this age, I’m working with what I know works for her age range.

(Full disclosure: Yes, I’m using some affiliate links below, which mean that I’d get cash if you buy from these links. But that in no way changes the content of this post or the recommendations that I make.) Continue Reading


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4-Hour Workweek Review – Half a Good Book

4-Hour Workweek Review - Half a Good Book

I recently listened to the audiobook for the 4-Hour Workweek. It started off so strong, so interesting, I really enjoyed it. By the time I got to the end, I was rather less impressed, but I thought I’d share some of the good and bad.

I don’t normally call my collection of opinions a review, but I decided to go for it. I mean, it might not be a comprehensive, highly critical review the likes of which I’d give in my old job as a games journalist, but I’m sure it will help you know if it’s worthwhile for you.

(Full disclosure: I listened to the book for free with Libby. Also, I include some affiliate links below. If you click on them, I might be paid when you make a purchase. This in no way changes the content of what I write.) Continue Reading


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