This weekend had the typical mix of busy and chilled that I like. Saturday was spent with a few people over while we made a potjie and watched the rugby. It was busy, even if it was at home, but nicely social and fun. Sunday was spent recovering for the most part, with my feet up binging on series on Netflix and playing a few games. It was divine. Dean spent most of his time watching YouTube videos in the study, both of us occasionally checking in on the other to say hi and give kisses before returning to our vegging out in front of our screens of choice. I realized this time, though, that the luxury of sleeping in only to laze in front of the TV and watch series is rather short lived.
So, I made the silly decision to count weekends. I decided not to count this coming weekend, because it’s rAge and will be totally hectic. I’ve also left off Christmas and New Years because they fall over weekends this year, which means I won’t be spending either of those with my feet up, watching Netflix… Okay, maybe New Years, but we’ll see. That means I’m looking at 13 weekends. Take away another couple because I want to take Dean away for a BabyMoon and I’m sure we will have a few busy weekends filled with social engagements and baby showers and holiday shopping and who knows what else. I probably only have 10 more opportunities for lazy series viewing or gaming marathons for the next, oh, how many years?
It’s not that I won’t be able to watch series or play games once Harley is born, but I’m sure it will be different. She will take up a lot of my time, not in a bad way – considering how amazing it is to feel her kick, to see her move on the scans, I can only imagine how much time I’ll spend just watching her, playing with her, not to mention the time needed to nurse and change her and get her to sleep. So, I won’t have my glorious 8-10 hours of uninterrupted time for Netflix binging, or game playing, or sleeping in followed by lazy napping on the couch. No more weekends away without quite a bit of planning I suppose, although at least while she’s still tiny it should be doable – it will just mean lugging along a whole lot more stuff.
So, I think I’m going to savor my remaining weekends. Any great books, series or games that I haven’t already devoured, your days are numbered. I want to read, watch and play all the things before Harley arrives. At least maternity leave should be a good excuse to work through my backlog. Plus, once I find the ideal position to hold her for nursing and still play games, life should return to normal… right? Haha, I know, there will be a whole new kind of normal. I just hope it includes being a bit cooler – this heat wave is not pleasant while pregnant.
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