Tag Archives: Farm

4 Things I learned on the Arizona Farm Tour 2018

4 Things I learned on the Arizona Farm Tour 2018

Before we got ready to move to Arizona, I joined the local Arizona Blogger group. I was mostly lurking on there, but I figured it was a good place to sign up so that I could get a sense of what was going on in my local blogger scene. The South African blogging groups are usually filled with daily promo threads, which helped me find other bloggers when I was in Joburg, and I thought the same would be true with the AZ group. I was wrong.

The group is generally pretty quiet. People aren’t allowed to drop their blog links, so the only time anyone shares anything is if they have a giveaway, or if they’re looking for people who are interested in an event or some such. Which is how I found out that the Arizona Agricultural Board was looking for bloggers to join in on a farm tour. Of course, I said I wanted to be there! So here are the 4 things I learned about Arizona agriculture, bloggers and myself over the course of Arizona Farm Tour 2018. Continue Reading


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