Tag Archives: 4th of July

My 4th of July Was a Sign of Great Days to Come

My 4th of July Was a Sign of Great Days to Come

I have been largely absent from this blog. In large part, it’s because I’m avoiding talking about some stuff, and I don’t want to share parts here until I can share all the things. But I had a wonderful day on the 4th of July, and it felt momentous in a way. I’m hoping that other moms with young kids can identify, and maybe get a little bit of hope.

Earlier in the week, I asked my mom when things got easier. I know that parenting is always hard, and that “momlife” is a perpetual struggle. But I also remembered having a blast on family vacations. I remembered going for coffee and a scone with my mom, sitting and talking (although I can’t remember WHAT we used to talk about). Continue Reading


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Mixed Emotions on the 4th of July

Mixed Emotions on the 4th of July

(Image credit: Photo by Cory G on Reshot)

This was our first 4th of July since moving to the States, and my first one on US soil in about 10 years. I’ve got to say, I had some mixed emotions on the 4th of July, and I wasn’t the only one. When I was growing up, we weren’t big on 4th of July celebrations, but it did take on some significance being overseas.

In Holland and then in South Africa, I was one of only a handful of Americans in social circles. As a result, I was the one who had to mark the occasion. It also meant that I was something of the arbiter of truth for all things American – a bit odd, but still fun. Continue Reading


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