Tag Archives: Attachment parenting

Yes, babies can cause carpal tunnel

Carpal tunnel

I had carpal tunnel when I was pregnant. Apparently it’s a fairly common thing thanks to retaining extra water and loosening ligaments – it’s something of a perfect storm for carpal tunnel. However, after giving birth, mine seemed to go away. The swelling in my hands went down, and I generally felt better. But then my right hand swelled up and was painful – my GP even did X-Rays and then assumed it was gout. But it wasn’t gout. Nope, it was the return of my carpal tunnel.

It is now really bad in my left hand, and moderately bad in my right hand. I’ve been to an occupational therapist and a physiotherapist for it. The joys of breastfeeding mean that I can’t take any strong medications for it, or even consider surgery at the moment, not that I really want to go for surgery for it. So what’s going on? Yes, I spend the majority of my day in front of a computer, but that’s not actually the root cause of my pain and suffering. Nope, that can be attributed to my ever-growing bundle of joy. Continue Reading


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Attachment parenting and the most important year

attachment parenting

I can’t stress enough how lucky I am. Sure, I have plenty of ups and downs and real life and troubles like everyone else, but I am incredibly lucky – I work from home. While it’s a lot of hard work, and I’ve struggled to find a balance at times, it has meant that I’ve been able to work and take care of Harley at the same time. She hasn’t needed a nanny or a creche; I have been her primary caretaker, her teacher, her entertainment, her jungle gym, her bed, her food source, so in a word – her mommy.

It hasn’t been easy, and I often felt like I was failing. Especially when Harley was even smaller than she is now, I wondered if it was enough to just hold her during the day while I worked, I would get frustrated when I didn’t know what was wrong or when I felt like I couldn’t help her. It’s gotten so much easier as she has gotten bigger and easier to understand, and a big part of that is because we both know that I can take care of her, even when I’m not totally sure how. But the more I read about attachment parenting, the more it sounds like what I’ve done with Harley naturally, and will continue to do cognizantly. Continue Reading


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