Tag Archives: “Omi”

Warning: erratic blogging ahead

I have prided myself on something since starting this little space on the internet. While occasionally I’ve blogged later than planned, since I’ve started I’ve only really “missed” days of blogging while in hospital or when I was far too sleep deprived to string a sentence together. Otherwise, every day of the week, I’ve posted a new blog filled with musings, news or whatever else. Not so for the past two days, and it makes me wonder how many more days of blogging I’ll miss in the coming couple weeks.

You see, my mom has arrived from the states. She’s here for the about 3 weeks, taking the opportunity to bond with little Harley and get to know the munchkin, as well as for us to obviously visit and spend our time together. While we aren’t busy with touristy stuff or anything, the day does seem to flow differently with her around. Then again, today we went to get our nails done, so that was rather different from how I normally spend my Thursdays. Yes, I took leave for today and tomorrow. Continue Reading


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