I’ve had psoriasis pretty much forever. Whenever someone sees the psoriasis, they will ask if I’ve tried product X. I will usually reply with, “Yes, I’ve tried every product out there” – with so many years of trying anything I could get my hands on, I figure that’s a pretty accurate statement to make. However, I do realize that new companies and products are continually entering the market, so that statement eventually becomes false. As such, when some wonderful ladies from Dischem approached me about a new product range from a company called BioNike, I figured it was worth a try, if for nothing other than to still be able to use my standard line.
At the moment, my psoriasis is flared – it isn’t always this bad, but it’s definitely gotten worse since having Harley, and my experiments with coconut oil didn’t help. So, I was happy to give the BioNike products a whirl, especially on my forehead and ears. It’s been a couple months now, so I think I can be pretty confident about my experience.
First up, let’s talk about the cleanser. They gave me the Triderm Alfa cleansing base, which I wasn’t too sure about at first. I mean, there was nothing wrong with the product I was using, so what was the point? Well, this product is really lovely. It has a milk-like consistency with only a gentle foaming action. If you’re used to scented cleansers, you might find that this one smells medicinal in the same way that if you’re used to drinking soda a sparkling water could taste bitter. In actual fact, after a couple days of using it, I found it had quite a nice, neutral, clean smell.
After using the cleanser, I found my skin was soft and smooth. It felt clean but not tight or dry. And, as one would hope with regular usage of a good face cleanser, after a few days my skin was clearer, more even and radiant. Well done on the cleanser!
Of course, if you’re reading this you’re probably more curious about the moisturizer, namely Triderm Alfa Rich Cream Base. It is incredibly emollient. Like, just shy of being an ointment instead of a lotion. When they call it a rich cream, they really aren’t lying. In fact, based on the recommendation from the experts, I only applied it to the affected areas instead of all over my face. I tried it one night as my night moisturizer and I felt like I’d slept with petroleum jelly on my face!
Thanks to the richness of the cream, it really did feel great. I produced fewer scales on my forehead and my ears also felt deeply moisturized for a change. I was less itchy in those areas, which meant I scratched less and the areas became less inflamed. However, the psoriasis didn’t go away, no matter how long I’ve used the product for. It’s lovely, feels nice and definitely helps treat the problem, but it hasn’t done anything to actually clear the psoriasis on my forehead or ears. I still intend to use it as part of my treatment regime, as anything that minimizes scales and itchiness is a win in my book. As always with products like these, it might work differently for you. For me, I think the BioNike will become a great product to use in combination with my UV light.
If you are struggling with dermatitis or psoriasis, I’d definitely recommend having a look at the BioNike products. They are so pure and clean that it should help rule out any allergies or irritants as causes of your skin trouble. At the very least, it might help sooth any inflammation like it did with my flare up.
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