Browsing Category: Geek

The Geeky Mommy Files – Ryaura

The Geeky Mommy Files

I love being a geeky mommy and figuring out what that means for me with Harley. It’s a daily journey as I try to learn how to be a mommy, and a geeky mommy at that. However, there are some awesome ladies who are further along on the path and have some really cool ideas that I’m totally going to steal. Welcome to the Geeky Mommy Files, where every Friday, I will be introducing you to one.

I met Ryaura through a community member on that other site I write for, She’s a gamer and a mom, and is also incredibly wholesome in her approach to this whole parenting thing; it’s always so great to hear about parents with an awareness about the media their kids consume. Plus, she is amazing with baking and crafts – I totally need to commission some costumes for Harley when she gets bigger because there’s no way I can make anything near as cool as Ryaura has – those costumes are awesome! Continue Reading


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The Geeky Mommy Files – Zayaan Schroeder

The Geeky Mommy Files

I love being a geeky mommy and figuring out what that means for me with Harley. It’s a daily journey as I try to learn how to be a mommy, and a geeky mommy at that. However, there are some awesome ladies who are further along on the path and have some really cool ideas that I’m totally going to steal. Welcome to the Geeky Mommy Files, where every Friday, I will be introducing you to one.

Zayaan is filled with geeky enthusiasm that spills out in abundance. Her excitement for things to come has made me excited, too, overcoming my cynical jaded attitude. An awesome mommy and wife, she is a great inspiration with a sensibility that makes a lot of sense. Continue Reading


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This is how you play video games with a baby

While I’ve managed some gaming time since Harley was born, it’s not the way it once was. I can’t wear a headset because I need to be able to hear if she cries, and I can’t really play online either because if she needs me she can’t wait while I finish a mission. I managed to get in some single player gaming, but as Harley has grown the way that works has changed. Sure, it’s best to play while she naps, but I’m also learning to hold her and play at the same time – I even managed to play a game while nursing her the other night.

But the best way is if someone else can hold your baby for a bit. At least, I like it because it means I can sort of focus on playing (even if Harley still always has some of my attention) and just relax and have fun. Plus, most people like the chance to hold Harley. I saw most people, because this video with Sam is quite possibly my new favorite thing. Continue Reading


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Being “normal” as a preemie

breaking the normal mold

I was not expecting to have a preemie. It was not part of my plan, but it was medically necessary. After I got home from the hospital, I started reading up on preemies, and it was pretty scary stuff – there were so many articles and books about the challenges that are common for premature babies, and I was feeling so sad for my little princess. It was hard enough to see her so very tiny, filled with tubes and sensors in the NICU, but the idea that her struggle would continue long after she was home… it just broke my heart.

When she was still in the hospital, I remember a physiotherapist came in the one day and started chatting to me. She explained that premature babies do eventually catch up, but that you need to adjust for their age – instead of sitting by six months it would be six months from the due date, etc. That wasn’t so bad, and that’s how I thought of Harley for a while – as her real age and her “adjusted age”. But I’m not sure I need to keep doing that. Continue Reading


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Why I love my Wonder Weeks App

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being a parent, it’s that you can’t truly be prepared for anything. Your baby might wake up one morning and cry non-stop for no reason. Or at least it seems that way until she lets rip an enormous fart. Or maybe she’s super clingy and you don’t know why – it’s moments like those that I simply couldn’t live without my baby sling. However, there is a way to get a bit more insight into what’s going on.

You may or may not have noticed the pretty gray button on the right side of the page. That’s to show you that I’m a columnist over on Tums 2 Tots. My column each month is about an app that makes pregnancy or parenting easier, and you can check it out over here (and you really should – the site has gone through a rebranding and looks beautiful!). This month, I wrote about The Wonder Weeks app, and it truly is my lifesaver sometimes. Continue Reading


If you like these words, please check out more of what I say on twitter and Facebook, and pics I take on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Pinterest.
Also, please be sure to sign up to my carefully curated, crafted and infrequent newsletter.