Tag Archives: maternity leave

The ups and downs of maternity leave

I am very lucky to have my dream job. As Content Editor and PR Manager over on Lazygamer.net, I get to do work that I enjoy, usually in the comfort of my PJs. I work hard, but because I love what I do, it rarely feels draining; rather, I’m excited to get up every morning and create cool content, engage with fun people and throw around a ridiculous amount of banter with my coworkers. For the past couple months, I’ve been on maternity leave. While I’ve incredibly grateful to be given this time off, it certainly has its ups and downs.

I’m lucky enough to be given three months of maternity leave. That means that I still have a few weeks before I go back to work, and even when I return, I’m even more lucky – I already work from home and have a company that supports me and will work around my baby-influenced schedule as much as possible. Yes, it is the dream situation for most women. But maternity leave isn’t all great. Continue Reading


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After paternity leave

I am quite lucky with maternity leave. I have been given three months off work, and even when I return to work I will be working from home which should hopefully be manageable while still looking after Harley. I’m sure it will be tough, but hopefully by then I will know what I’m doing with her even more than I do now and can find some sort of daily rhythm that works for me, her and productivity.

Dean, however, had to take leave in order to be with me for two weeks. He had already used his “family responsibility” leave when I was in the hospital, but I really wanted him home when Harley arrived, and it made a huge difference. It’s been great having him around, but it’s also so hard to believe it – he went back to work today. His paternity leave is over, and now he is back at work and I’m alone with Harley for most of the day. Continue Reading


If you like these words, please check out more of what I say on twitter and Facebook, and pics I take on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Pinterest.
Also, please be sure to sign up to my carefully curated, crafted and infrequent newsletter.